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29 Νοέμβριος 2023
Excellent experience due to being double booked elsewhere and the alternative was the Valley of Brisbane CBD which was why I chose to stay at Backpacker's close to Central ill be honest I was dreading it and was not feeling positive about having to stay because it's full of young people and im in my late 50s so I just thought what the hell!!.
But from the moment I walked in up to Reception there he was Mike the Pommy Fella (Gold) with his misgevious smile and keen wit Welcomed me into the Building I thought 😀 that's a great start at 7:30am on a Sun morning being early for my check in just asked would you like to leave your bags here? i said with that's exactly what I'd like to do relief 😌 that yes one less issue he handed over the Monkey soft toy i thought fair enough your not gonna lose that bugger lmao 🤣 but soon I was back out and handed back the Trusted Stead fyi:(He Could do with a Wash)
I arrived back that afternoon 2-ish and checked in again Mike and another lady were sorting through the new check inns and I gladly jumped into line choosing to sit away from Reception to give them a bit more space after a sort period 5min Mike popped out from around Reception and motioned me over im not to sure if he read my Jet lag body language but he handed me my Rm information and explained everything clear and concise which was music to my ears popped me into Nostalgic Lift Elevator also explaining how it operated so Cool up to Lv3 I went, a few hour's later I awoke rested and energized so I pop down and picked up my luggage from the Storage room.
I failed to mention that Mike had upgraded me from Share Dorm Rm to Double bed Single room honestly I was so comfortable and relaxed for the whole duration of my stay Mike did me a Solid and made my stay so enjoyable that ill go out of my way to stay there again next im visiting Family in Brisbane 5Star treatment in a 2-3 star Setting my experience will be remembered thanks Mike keep Smiling Buddy yourcan asset to that business.
If your ever in NZ you have a Friend on Waiheke Island "Kia Ora"