Primero preocupacion porque no enviaban el mail instrucciones al lugar, nada. Y despues lugar estaba LLENO DE CUCARACHAS. Pedimos muchas veces que vengan a fumigar y si bien respondian los mails enseguida, PASO UNA SEMANA HASTA QUE VINIERON A HACERLO. si hubiesen venido a fumigar apenas lo solicitamos, no habriamos pasado 7 de los 11 dias rodeados de cucarachas horribles. Tiramos la comida dado que un dia encontramos una en la heladera. La unica consideracion que tuvieron fue un late check out, 2 hs mas de alojamiento. Nada mas. Honestamente si bien la vista es hermosa y muy bien ubicado, no lo recomiendo para nada. A menos que les guste dormir sabiendo que hay cucarachas caminando por todos lados
First concern because they did not send email instructions about how to entrance to the place. And then the place was FULL OF COCKROACHES. We asked many times for them to come and fumigate and although they responded to the emails immediately, IT WAS A WEEK UNTIL THEY CAME TO DO IT. If they had come to fumigate as soon as we requested it, we would not have spent 7 of the 11 days surrounded by horrible cockroaches. We throw away the food because one day we found some in the refrigerator. The only consideration they had was a late check out, 2 more hours of accommodation. Nothing else. Honestly, although the view is beautiful and very well located, I do not recommend it at all. Unless you like to sleep knowing there are cockroaches walking everywhere.