Επισκέπτης Χρήστης
4 Οκτώβριος 2023
What a wonderful place – truly Heaven on Earth! We are in perfect uncompromised Maharishi Vastu buildings (health promoting buildings), newly renovated, and tastefully decorated in cream colours, marble floors, solid wood, and indirect golden lighting. We are right next to a waterfall, with fresh air, a relaxing sound of flowing water, and with a view of the mountains. Upon arrival they honoured us as guests by giving us rose juice and a tulsi mala. Perfect after a long travel. Yes, it is possible to be totally comfortable in India! Spacious cool rooms, a luxury bathroom and a spiritual, uplifting atmosphere. And there are no insects! Amazing but true - we never had to use our mosquito net. They even have their own pundit who performs daily pujas, generating a harmonious and peaceful influence. We also enjoy extraordinary service from the kind staff, who speak English, and are able to organize tours and trips. We enjoy all aspects of this wonderful place. All the foods are easily digestible and totally delicious – even their fat free diet given to some of the guests. Every room has a candle, incense and matches, as well as water boiler, thermos and a selection of Maharishi Ayurveda teas. They also have a Maharishi Ayurveda shop where you can get herbal medicines, teas, incense, oils and other luxury items. A perfect and problem free accommodation, that freed up energy, thus enabling me to focus on working with my mentors, updating my knowledge and skills of Maharishi Ayurveda. Our highest recommendations!